Dos 和Don’ts
德国人全球总裁Peter Maag的专访被弄得相当正式,开始之前公关公司为他进行了半个小时的媒体培训预演。我获得了一份应对媒体的小册子。里面写满面对媒体的一些注意事项,该说什么不该说什么。比如,
Be enthusiastic, animated, let your passion show;
Say “Ni hao”(hello in Chinese)to media-the Chinese like that;
Tell media number-the Chinese media love numbers, good ones in particular
Be calm, cool, not argumentative
Don’talk about too much about global operations unless the media show strong interest-the Chinese media tend to focus on local market and Chinese relevant questions;
Don’t comment on China’s regulatory environment –if you have to, positive and complementary remarks are always expected;
Dos 和Don’ts一共列了十几条。除此之外,还预先把记者可能的问题的答案和中国医药行业现状的资料写在上面,如此花心思准备我还是第一次见。
Date: 2010/11/24
Time: 5:13 下午
Don’t comment on China’s regulatory environment –if you have to, positive and complementary remarks are always expected;
i don’t think so…