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  • Tina: 看冬蕾老师的文章已成习惯,感谢点点滴滴的温暖。
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2013/07/09 – 6:45 下午


我赶紧leave a comment说我在看呢。我从06年就在看,他的生活 ,他所在的城市,他的工作(他是程序员),他的朋友,他的想法,他出差的见闻,他对记者媒体的观察,超喜欢。





不管怎么说,很高兴健硕又开始写博客啦,People see things. People experience things,People believe in things. and we grow.


I am Back

Posted on May 26, 2013 by Jian Shuo Wang


It has been uneasy three years for me. The blog was affected by the unstable mood of myself, and was a honest, and solid reflection of who I am – good times, and more importantly, the bad times.

I am back to blog again. This is different from the previous back. It has been quite some time since I last blogged – that is exactly 4 months ago. It was quite dramatic in the last four months, and I experienced things. This time, it was a calm back, and I don’t think I can easily defeated, or went down. The confidence was rebuilt, and I am sure this new version of myself is better, more confident, and more lovely.

Blogging is dead, at least in statistic or media revolution terms. But life is not. Thoughts are not. I will shift with the new technology trends, and adapt that, and move on.

Thanks for everyone who has supported me, and trusted me. People see things. People experience things, and we grow.


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