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祝大家(特别像CRO和记者做labor活儿的)Happy Labor Holidays

2010/04/30 – 3:49 下午

昨晚CharlsRiver的金克文发短信说WUXI deal好像开始有一些负面评论,关于外资收购中国民族品牌,减少了中国的话语权,WUXI的企业家缺乏社会责任感等等。















“CRL” 来了,其实从来都没有离开。






 Happy Labor Holidays!


2010/04/29 – 6:18 下午






2010/04/29 – 2:30 下午





药明康德被收购了。“WUXI”曾因药明康德的英文名称“WUXI AppTec”而被欧美生物科技界广为熟知,但今后将被“CRL”所取代。

根据公开消息显示,全球临床前实验最大的供货商——CRL(Charles River Laboratories International Inc),同意以约16亿美元(折合人民币109亿元)的收购价把中国最大的CRO公司药明康德收入囊中。


李革的第二个观点是公司十分看好未来的发展,称改变了药物的研发格局,这跟陈力博士提出“联合研究组织”的观点(Collaborative Research Organization)如出一辙。

第三,文章里面把他们老总的名字给拼错了,CRL公司董事会主席、总裁兼首席执行官James C. Fosterz,“Fosterz”多了一个”z”.




2010/04/28 – 3:43 下午


这三家企业分别有着不同的特色。恒瑞是国内创新品种最多,利润最高但量并不大的民族企业。罗氏是最早在中国建立研发中心的,陈力博士也是首批的海龟之一。而和记黄埔目前正考虑是否要通过分拆上市而独立发展。最近还获得了SFDA的特殊审批资格,为创新型抗癌药HMPL-012 (索凡替尼,sulfatinib)临床前试验的开展开辟了绿色通道。

江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司董事长     孙飘扬

罗氏研发(中国)有限公司首席科学官  陈力

和记黄埔医药(上海)有限公司总裁    杜莹











































“无锡(WuXi AppTec)”消失

2010/04/27 – 11:05 下午

那个因药明康德(WUXI AppTec)而非一座中国城市被欧美生物科技界广为熟知的“无锡”消失了。

一家叫查士睿华(Charles River Laboratories International Inc,CRL)的全球临床前实验最大的供货商日前同意以约16亿美元(约人民币109亿元)的收购价格把中国最大的CRO公司药明康德收入囊中。


“此次收购将改变该行业的格局,促使中小型公司向特异******务和专业化方向发展,同大公司一道形成更加完善的药物研发创新服务体系,使CRO有了新一层的含义,由合同研究组织 (Contract Research Organization)变成联合研究组织(Collaborative Research Organization)。”罗氏(上海)研发中心首席科学官陈力对这起至今为止中国医药领域最大的收购案的反应是,与制药行业的兼并重组风潮一样,这个由药物研发衍生的服务行业也在整合。



据资料,CRL公司董事会主席、总裁兼首席执行官James C. Foster将继续领导合并后的公司,药明康德创始人、首席执行官李革将担任公司执行副总裁以及下属全球药物发现和中国服务公司总裁,后者将成为公司新独立核算部门。此外,李革和另外两位药明康德的董事将加入CRL公司董事会。










“如今,两家公司现有的和潜在的客户将首次可通过一家公司就能实现在化学和生物学两个领域里早期药物开发的需求。” James C. Fosterz表示。





去年11月,PPD在中国收购了BioDuro LLC公司,并将此作为其扩大在中国产能的计划的一部分。BioDuro也是一家药品发展承包商,该公司服务于生物技术产业,在北京拥有一间11万平方英尺的实验室。



“除了潜力市场给予的机会,中国内地CRO公司于国际接轨上也有不容小覤的实力。他们掌握国际形势,了解国际大药厂的游戏规则及需求,可以说中国的海归派在非临床CRO的经营上有两把刷子。” 秦庆瑶说。

“这项交易的战略意义在于,CRL能够充分利用药明康德高质量和低成本的人力资源以及国际品牌知名度,使 CRL的业务延伸拓展到新药早期发现的CRO业务,从而拉大其与国内CRO在资金、品牌及业务上的距离。”曼哈顿资本管理咨询有限公司总裁王进如是认为。



(本文特别感谢姚立新,范大超,饶韧,Jialing Dai,赵戬,施晨阳提供的帮助。)


2010/04/25 – 4:55 下午




2010/04/25 – 4:37 下午






2010/04/23 – 5:40 下午



2.时间太赶的情况下连中文语法都不通了,victor 的中文看上去比我的好多了。







1984年,一个叫Metin Colpan的德国人在莱茵河沿岸的杜塞尔多夫创建了凯杰。2年后的1986年,凯杰推出了全球第一款质粒试剂盒,使分子生物研究发生了革命性的变化。与传统的“作坊式”方法相比,该技术将质粒制备的时间从2-3天缩短至2个小时。如今,“试剂盒”这一概念已成为实验室的标准。而出生于1967年的施晨阳这一年毕业于中国科技大学应用化学系,年仅19岁。

定位于全球样品制备和分析技术供应商,经过20多年的发展,凯杰在分子诊断领域已成长为一家全球销售规模逾10亿美元的上市公司。2009年凯杰以9500万美元收购DxS Ltd (DxS)后,一跃成为全球领先的个性化医疗产品公司,制造与开发针对癌症病人个性化医疗的诊断产品。







2000年起施晨阳在硅谷创业,历任生物芯片genospectra 公司副总裁和首席财务官,美国创新资源公司董事总经理,美国斯坦福研究院原创公司bridge pharmaceuticals高级副总裁,在亚洲特别是中国建立与国际水平接轨的新药研发平台,专注于生命科学领域的投资及企业兼并业务。


2005年凯杰开始在亚洲拓展业务,施晨阳负责策划在亚洲的商业运作和战略发展,至今管理凯杰亚太区在中国、澳大利亚、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡和印度10个分公司430位员工。目前亚洲的业务量约占凯杰全球销售额的13%。2006年,凯杰因公司在亚太分子检测市场中的战略举措而赢得了Frost & Sullivan颁发的竞争战略领导奖。






在分子诊断领域,分三大块,一是疾病预防(prevention),主要有预防和疾病检测以及个性化的治疗解决方案。特别是在HPV检测领域,凯杰的digene HPV Test 是检测引起子宫颈癌的人乳头瘤病毒的金标准。 而妇女健康领域最大且增长最快的市场之一就是HPV检测,有着10亿多美元的市场潜力。


产品包括乙肝、丙肝、艾滋病、H1N1和甲流等检测技术;三是个性化医疗(personalised healthcare):我们可为某类疾病的患者制订出特定的治疗方案,这需要通过分子标记物,如肿瘤标记物的手段来实现个性化治疗。凯杰目前提供18种基于不同技术的诊断检测产品,可用于癌症治疗、检测常见AIDS治疗药物副作用引起的突变。这三个“P”就是凯杰核心技术的应用领域,也是我们未来最具备发展潜力的领域。每个领域都有其特定的通量需求,因此凯杰提供专利的平台,可实现从样本到结果整个流程的自动化。凯杰在分子诊断领域销售额多于4.5亿美元,且增长快速。

问:凯杰赢得Frost & Sullivan这个竞争战略领导奖的当时,正值您在亚太市场“创业”之初,从某种意义上来看,这个奖也是对您在亚太区域卓越的领导力的表彰,您能具体谈一下当时凯杰在亚太市场拓展的策略是怎样的?
















问:此次跟与药明康德的合作,对于药物发现和开发及分子诊断在中国的发展带来何种意义? 分子标记物的发展对跨国制药公司的研发模式有怎样的影响?凯杰在其中扮演怎样的角色?


生物标记物和个性化医疗是新药研发未来的发展趋势。新药研发现在变得愈发困难,开发一个新药需投入几亿美元,很多候选药物最终在临床上得不到疗效的验证。目前,研究人员更关注于个体对于药物反应的差异,基因和蛋白组学得发展提供了许多有效的分子标记物对这种差异进行筛选。未来新药研发将不仅仅是One size fits all。更多会通过生物标记物,或者结合诊断试剂(companion diagnostics)把会对某个药产生有效反应的病人筛选出来,以此来提高疗效。






Zhang Wei:Rational Clinical Trial Development and Valid Data Are the Most Convincing

2010/04/15 – 9:43 上午

Written on 2010/04/07 by Mao Donglei

In the new drug evaluation work, the word “New” is not merely based in the traditional sense such as the meaning of “New” in new compound, new composition, new process and new dosage form, etc., but should also in pursuance for “new curative effect”. Different from the past research and development approach of paying attention to the drug only and ignoring the clinical causes, the new drug evaluation will focus on the actual functions of drugs.

“When compared with the countries having developed pharmaceutical technologies, China has a certain gap in respect of drug research and development, especially drug innovation. One of the important causes is that the insufficient funds contributed for research and development directly affect the enhancement of the capability and innovation level of new drug research and development.”

“At present, an important cause for the difficulty of some new drugs of Class I on market to be in a large scale is that their clinical medical value is ignored.”

“We hope that the past situation that the research on chemical drug innovations only focused on structural innovation but ignored clinical value could be changed.”

“If we could exert the political advantages of China and speed up the establishment and implementation of effective policy advantages, China will undoubtedly take an early step in the development ofnew drug technologies and importing funds.”

“China is ready” should not be a simple slogan, but the actions should be taken.

“Besides that the drug administrative authority should pay attention to the time limit for its own evaluation, the pharmaceutical enterprises should also inspect their internal procedures to find out to what extent the extension of the time for evaluation is caused by themselves.”

In recent years, more and more trans-national pharmaceutical enterprises set up their research and development centers in China and participated in global synchronous development of medicines. What kind of opportunities and challenges do they bring for the evaluation of Chinese new drugs? How should Chinese evaluators appraise their own capability and level of evaluating and approving new drugs? The other day, the reporter of Medical Economic News exclusively interviewed Zhang Wei, director general of the Department of Drug Registration of the State Food and Drug Administration. Zhang expatiated in details around the key stage, global synchronous development and evaluation time limit of the exploration process of creating new drugs, and sorted out the changes of Chinese drug registration standards, laws, regulations and ideologies of recent years.

Reporter: Mao Donglei

Guest: Zhang Wei, director general of the Department of Drug Registration of the State Food and Drug Administration


Changing the Past Situation of Only Paying Attention to Structural Innovations



Q: Hello, Mr. Zhang. In the recent dozen of years, China’s drug research propelled the domestic pharmaceutical industry to change from imitation toward independent innovation, and certain social effects were achieved. A batch of independent innovative drugs has been on market. What kind of advantageous factors do you think that China has already had for research and development innovations?


Zhang Wei: It is a State policy of China to promote the development of innovative drugs. The globalization of drug research propelled China’s drug research and development to change from imitation toward independent innovation. China’s research and development of new drugs have the advantages in the following five aspects: Firstly, the government pays increasingly high attention to medical innovations. Secondly, great progresses were made in protecting pharmaceutical patent. Thirdly, the infrastructures of the medical industry are sound. Fourthly, the work division and cooperation in the medical industry are improving day by day. Fifthly, there are abundant and sufficient human resources and clinical resources. A medical innovation system with products as the core and in the form of industry-university-research cooperation, which is propelled by the government, mainly composed of enterprises, supported by technological institutes, and guided by market is being formed in China.


However, when compared with the countries having developed pharmaceutical technologies, China has a certain gap in respect of drug research and development, especially drug innovation. An important cause is that the insufficient funds contributed for research and development directly affected the enhancement of the capability and innovation level of new drug research and development.


Q: With the promulgation of various innovation encouraging policies, Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises are facing unprecedented opportunities for independent innovations, and the gap from pharmaceutical companies of developed countries needs to be shortened as soon as possible, so as to enable innovation to be a driving force of industrial development. To the drug administrative authority, which improvement measures were taken in recent years to encourage innovations?


Zhang Wei: In respect of amendment of regulations, on October 1, 2007, the SFDA promulgated the newly amended “Regulations on Administration of Pharmaceutical Registration” for implementation. The said “Regulations” were amended mainly in compliance with the following three principles: the first is to encourage drug innovations and lead the research and development of China’s generic drugs, so as to restrain low-level redundant declarations and to focus on raising the threshold for declarations by technical means; the second is to focus on settling the unsatisfied medical demands and to aim at realizing clinical values and advantages; the third is to actively build up a just, transparent and high-efficiency evaluation system, to intensify the division of evaluation duties and the restriction on powers, to reasonably allocate evaluation resources, to improve the evaluation mechanism and procedures, and to realize publicity and transparency to the maximum extent.


Moreover, on the basis of the current research and development situation of China’s drug innovation, we promulgated the “Administrative Provisions on Special Approval of New Drug Registration”, hoping to change the past situation of only paying attention to structural innovations but ignoring clinical values when researching the innovation of chemical drugs. At present, an important cause for the difficulty of some new drugs of Class I on market to make a large scale is that their clinical medical value is ignored. In addition, itis risk in the process of new drugs clinical trial, and such risks cannot be eliminated completely by evaluation, but mainly by the implementation of risk management plans of the enterprises.


In respect of supporting and encouraging global drug research and development, we also promulgated some specific improvement measures. For example, we shortened the time for technical evaluation of the new drugs in clinical application by 25%. We also accepted the international ICH-CTD format for declaration to offer more flexible requirements for submission of cGMP certificates, and simplified the procedures for pre-clinical-trial inspection and review of imported drugs.

“Pharmaceutical enterprises, especially transnational pharmaceutical enterprises, are not only required to consider the newly emerging markets as the base of clinical trials.”

“We need sufficient resources and rational evaluation capabilities to guarantee the drug evaluation work accomplishment in a  high quality way, and to make rational judgments and decisions within proper time limits.”

“Drug evaluation and approval are an interactional process, and the evaluators and applicants should communicate with each other continuously and convince the other party by using rational data and viewpoints.”

“The capabilities of our staffs are different, which affect the implementation of work. Meanwhile, they do not make an enough systematic studyto professional registration knowledge, which affects the depth of work.”

“We are still worried about the clinical trial area where many problems are involved. Our settlement measures are very prudential.”

“We must balance the interests between national industry and those of overseas-funded enterprises. The opening up of clinical researches will inevitably attract overseas-funded drugs, and therefore, the drug administrative authorities and other relevant administrative authorities must consider and calmly respond to a series of effects arising out of the possession of clinical resources, the occupation of markets, the general public’s availability for drugs from original research, as well as the pricing difference between patented drugs and generic drugs, etc.”

Q: Just now you mentioned globalized drug research and development, saying that the globalization of drug research and development had been inevitable, and it had been a trend for the focus of the drug research and development value chain to move toward China. How should we understand globalization, especially global synchronous development?


Zhang Wei: With the high-speed development of China’s economy, transnational pharmaceutical enterprises have made huge profits from their business in China, and therefore hope to further speed up the listing of new drugs in China, and expect to utilize the advantages of costs, talents and disease resource spectrum, etc. of the countries with emerging markets such as China and India to speed up the efforts of new drug development, so as to enlarge the competition market and reduce the costs for research and development. However, due to the great risks of new drug development, many companies have to be prudential. If we can give play to China’s political advantages and accelerate the establishment and implementation to policy advantages effectively, China will undoubtedly take an early step in respect of bringing in new drug development technologies and funds.


As for globalization, it is also a “double-edged sword” in fact. To the drug administrative authority, “globalization” not only brings opportunities, but also makes us faced with severer challenges. We have the following cognition and viewpoints on global synchronous drug research and development:


Firstly, global drug research and development, as an important part of globalization, have come to Asia, especially to emerging markets.

Secondly, global drug research and development bring challenges to the drug administrative authorities of the emerging markets. We need sufficient resources and rational evaluation capabilities to guarantee the drug evaluation work accomplishment in a high quality way, and to make rational judgments and decisions within proper time limits. Meanwhile, we should keep the consistency of the decisions, and speed up to be conforming with standards and administrative norms step by step.

Thirdly, global drug research and development also bring challenges to the drug administrative authorities in mature markets. As more and more clinical trial data come from emerging markets, the supervisory authorities of mature markets also face the problem which we are facing. That is, how to make use of the clinical data collected from other countries or regions to support the applications for being on listing in the home country. Therefore, we think that the communications and cooperation between the drug administrative authorities of the future newly emerging markets and those of the mature markets will be closer.

Fourthly, global drug research and development also bring challenges to pharmaceutical enterprises. With the continuing enhancement of the technical evaluation capability of drug administration and evaluation institution , pharmaceutical enterprises, especially transnational pharmaceutical enterprises, are required to not only consider the emerging markets as the clinical trial bases, but also pay attention to the cultivation of the technological capability and communication capability of the local drug registration staffs. If the cultivation of such capabilities is ignored, the evaluation time limit might be extended.


Q: As the drug administrative authority of a newly emerging market, especially the administrative authority of China, how to actively respond to the global challenges and continuously make researches for the effective administrative means, so as to better maintain and promote the public health?


Zhang Wei: Here I would like to share with all of you a viewpoint of Dr. Lumpkin, deputy commissioner of U.S. FDA. He does not think that international coordination means replication of drug administration policies or full consistency of practices. So long as be on rational basis, different countries may have its unique practices as the case may be.


To sum up, “more conversation but less confrontation, and more cooperation but less criticism” should become the theme for the drug administrative authorities of the newly emerging markets and those of the mature markets to respond to global drug research and development, strengthen cooperation and realize the win-win situation. As for global synchronous research and development, it is a new subject to the drug administrative authority of China, and “China is ready” should not be a simple slogan but the actions should be taken.


The Evaluations and Approvals Should Be Active, Cooperative and Lawful


Q: In terms of the time limit for evaluation, the pharmaceutical industry pays much attention to the time limit for the evaluation made by the drug administrative authority of China. However, the evaluation quality and efficiency are common challenges faced by the drug administrative authorities all over the world.


Zhang Wei: It’s true. The factors affecting the time limit for evaluation are complicated, but we need to point out a wrong understanding in this regard. Previously, people always thought that the extension of the time limit for evaluation is unilaterally caused by the SFDA. We may see that, according to relevant provisions of the newly amended “Regulations on Administration of Pharmaceutical Registration” which came into force on October 1, 2007, the time needed by the Center for Drug Evaluation for drug technical evaluation is approximately 90 workdays, and the time needed by the SFDA for administrative evaluation is approximately 30 workdays. Therefore, normally, it will take 120 workdays for the clinical trial of a new drug to be approved.


However, few people notice that, the “Regulations” prescribe a supplementary procedure for evaluation. Once the supplementary procedure is started up, the time for the pharmaceutical enterprise to answer the questions raised by the drug administrative authority and to prepare for various documents will not be counted into the aforesaid time limit for evaluation. If a pharmaceutical enterprise ignores the cultivation of the technological capabilities of its staffs in charge of registration, the documents they has prepared are irrational or insufficient, or it is unable to answer the questions of the drug administrative authority timely, the actual time for evaluation will much possibly be extended. Therefore, besides that the drug administrative authority should pay attention to the time limit for its own evaluation, the pharmaceutical enterprise should also inspect their internal procedures to find out to what extent the extension of the time for evaluation is caused by themselves. This is our viewpoint.


As a registration and evaluation institution, we should actively promote the reform of the drug evaluation and approval structure. On one hand, we should accurately define the registration administrative duties, strengthen the macro-policy research, the system operation coordination and the quality progress supervision; on the other, we should, in light of the actual situation on drug declarations, evaluations and approvals, optimize the allocation of drug registration resources, lawfully and reasonably divide the evaluation and approval powers, give full play to the functions of the provincial administrative authorities, and effectively mitigate the work amount of the Center for Drug Evaluation of the SFDA to enable it to concentrate its energy on evaluation of new drugs.


In addition, we should research and formulate the “Quality Management Norms for Drug Registration” (GRP), specify the duties and tasks of each department in the registration link, and regulate their work behavior; we should set up the mechanism for joint consultation between all relevant entities and all departments of drug registration, make it to be normalized, institutionalized and standardized, and strengthen work coordination; we should continuously optimize the administrative procedures for evaluation and approval, and improve the work efficiency; we should also strengthen the supervision, inspection and appraisal to each link and each department of the drug registration, and guarantee the quality of work.


In short, drug evaluation and approval are an interactional process, and the evaluators and applicants should communicate with each other continuously and convince the other party by using rational data and viewpoints. Only if both parties actively cooperate with each other and abide by laws, may the best efficiency be attained.



Q: Although great achievements were made with the State’s administrative work on drug registration in 2009, the problems and insufficiencies were also distinct. What challenges will the future administrative work on drug registration face, especially in respect of encouraging innovations?


Zhang Wei: The drug registration in China mainly faces problems in three aspects.

Firstly, the system, mechanism and bylaws of drug registration are not sound, which restrict the work quality and efficiency. On one hand, the drug registration powers are highly concentrative, the staffs do not match their work arrangement, and the evaluation and approval resources are not strongly adaptive; on the other hand, too many efforts are made on specific affairs while there are not enough time and energy for researching the macro- problems such as policies andsupervision methods innovation, etc., as well as making surveys, which in a certain extent affects the supervision efficiency and quality; furthermore, there is no arrangement or coordination to the whole process, no supervision or inspection to each link and no inquiry into the liabilities at each link, and thus the sense of responsibility is not strong at some links, and the supervisory work is in a superficial form, which also affects the supervision efficiency and quality in a certain extent.

Secondly, the legal construction lags behind, which affects the supervisory function. The uncoordinated research and supervision affect the exertion of the composite of supervisory force; the relevant ancillary documents have not yet been fully promulgated and the encouragement innovative measures are not specific, and such fact affects the implementation of the “Regulations on Administration of Pharmaceutical Registration”.

Thirdly, the capabilities of the staffs are different, which affect the implementation of work. The capabilities of our check personnel need to be further enhanced, and the personnel for checks are not allocated reasonably. Especially, we are short of personnel for checks in the areas of pharmacology, toxicology and clinic, and the quality of check work is therefore affected; while they do not make an enough systematic study to professional registration knowledge, which affects the depth of our work.


To sum up, the problems mentioned above affect the implementation of the newly amended “Regulations on Administration of Pharmaceutical Registration”, the quality and efficiency of the drug registration administration in China, and the drug safety of the general public. Such problems urgently require the food and drug administrative authorities at each level to pay high attention, make serious researches, and take powerful measures to settle them as soon as possible. After the rectification, governance and regulation to the research and development institutions, the manufacturers and their registered products in recent years, the present order of the research and development area in China has been greatly improved. However, we are still worried about the clinical trial area in which many problems are involved, and our settlement is very prudential.


The favorable factors propelling drug clinical trials are that China’s drug research and development level can be enhanced, more research and development funds have been gained, and corresponding administrative regulations and bylaws may also be promoted and improved. However, in view of the macro-administration of the State, we must balance the interests between national industry and those of overseas-funded enterprises. The opening up of clinical researches will inevitably attract a good many overseas-funded drugs, and therefore, the drug administrative authorities and other relevant administrative authorities must consider and calmly respond to a series of effects arising out of the possession of clinical resources, the occupation of markets, the general public’s availability for drugs from original research, as well as the pricing difference between patented drugs and generic drugs, etc.



2010/04/12 – 9:53 上午





而就在几个月前,上海医药临床研究中心与甲骨文公司签约合作建立一个符合国际标准的临床研究数据管理平台。“任何新药研发的成功离不开准确、可靠和真实的数据来支持。” 上海医药临床研究中心首席顾问,著名的统计学专家,金丕焕教授在签约仪式上说。




从2005 年2 月3 日国家食品药品监督管理局(SFDA)发布药物临床试验机构资格认定公告(第1 号)开始,截至2009 年2 月3 日的第19 号认定公告,我国已认定的药物临床试验机构为236 家,且均为三级医院,其中绝大部分为三级甲等医院。






在2006 年7 月至2007 年12 月期间,SFDA 在全国范围开展了药品注册核查行动,加强了对药品研发过程的监管。

根据2007 年12 月国务院新闻办公室就全国药品专项整治等方面情况举行新闻发布会公布的数据显示,2006 年7 月至2007年10 月底,SFDA对2.9 万多个品种进行现场核查,企业撤回的药品注册申请达7300 多个,所占比例为24%。







“临床试验的实施主体是临床试验机构,高质量的药物临床试验是保证药品安全有效的重要环节。针对新药临床试验确实存在的违反GCP 原则及某些数据不真实行为,有必要加强对新药临床试验全过程的监督检查。”解琴说。



“这些体制上的一些问题都为临床试验管理带来了难度。许多机构都存在着一些比如管理力度薄弱,管理制度,SOP文件虚设等,而这些又间接导致了试验资料的保存不全,溯源困难,直接影响到临床试验的整体质量。” 解琴说。




